Friday, June 7, 2019

4 Reasons Why Your Organisation Needs a Security Expert

Security is one area that has become a significant part of other organisational roles, from facilities managers and loss prevention managers to internal security risk management teams – so, would consulting with a security expert really help? Couldn’t you just do the security audit and upgrades yourself? Here’s some insight into why an outsider’s input is essential in this role.

  1.  Access to specialised skills: Many security-related roles have many aspects to them – security risk management is just one facet. But hiring a security expert means hiring someone whose entire professional skillset is focused on this one, specific area. They have the time, experience and focus to advance their knowledge into security disciplines, technology and strategy that most organisations lack in-house. A security expert fills in any skill gaps that you may have in-house, especially when dealing with specialised or unique projects.
  2. They’re independent: At the end of the day, each vendor is going to sell you on their product as the best possible solution to vulnerabilities exposed in your security audit. This makes it close to impossible to get a truly objective perspective – until you hire a security expert. They care about one thing – your organisation’s security risk management – and have no allegiances to anything except finding the best solution. 
  3. Cost-efficiency: Hiring a security expert is one of the most cost-efficient ways of upgrading your business security systems. Often, security projects that are put out for bid without a security expert on board lack proper project specification and qualification criteria, leading to expensive shortfalls when new components are required to make the system properly address your security risk management needs. A security expert can perform a security audit that ensures a comprehensive brief, evaluate proposals and components with an unbiased eye, and manage your project and upgrades to ensure a professional, quality result. 
  4. Effective use of resources: In-house facilities and security managers have a lot on their plates on a daily basis, and likely don’t have the time to manage a comprehensive security project. Hiring a security expert is an effective use of organisational resources, allowing in-house professionals to manage their tasks without the additional load of managing security risk analysis and security audits, security design, product selection, system implementation and training – all of which can take hundreds of hours. 

 Finding the right security expert to handle your organisation’s project is about connecting with a security risk management specialist who has the skills, experience and dedication to see a job through from start to finish.  

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